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Explore 'The Safety Show' by Dr. Raymond Trigg, featuring informative videos and insightful articles on School Safety, Police safety, Personal safety, and Digital safety.
Unbuckled and Unaware: The Hidden Dangers Teens Face When Not Wearing Seatbelts


Unbuckled and Unaware: The Hidden Dangers Teens Face When Not Wearing Seatbelts by Raymond Trigg


"Unbuckled and Unaware" by Raymond Trigg reveals a concerning trend among teenagers: the reluctance to wear seatbelts. While the significance of this seemingly simple act can...

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Disconnecting for Dreamland: The Hazards of Sleeping with Your Cell Phone: Why Teens and Young Adults are Putting their Health and Safety at Risk.

Dr Raymond Trigg shares valuable information about cell phones to keep you safe.

In our digital age, smartphones have become extensions of who we are; it's not uncommon to find teenagers and young adults in their beds, snuggling their cell phones as they fall asleep. However, what may seem like...

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Dr. Raymond Trigg reports on School Safety 2022: How the USA Is Working Toward Safer Schools

School shootings in the United States of America are at a terrifying record high. In fact, Dr. Raymond Trigg reports that these occurrences have been rising steadily since 1970 but dramatically skyrocketed in 2021. As students and teachers alike are hoping for near-term solutions,...

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