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Stay Safe at Outdoor Events: Know, Run/Hide, Call (Bonus Tips Included!)

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A practical guide by Raymond Trigg to navigating public spaces in an unpredictable world.

Amidst the joyous celebrations that color our lives, it's impossible to ignore the undercurrent of danger that persists. The tragic reality of mass shootings, like the one that marred the Kansas City Super Bowl parade just 45 days into 2023, serves as a stark reminder that vigilance and preparedness are crucial, even in seemingly festive settings. This article, inspired by Dr. Raymond Trigg's insightful video, delves into essential strategies to keep you safe during unforeseen emergencies, particularly in the context of outdoor venues like parades, festivals, and concerts. While these spaces are meant for laughter and shared experiences, being informed and proactive can significantly increase your chances of staying safe amidst unexpected danger.

The Alarming Reality of Mass Shootings:

Before diving into the practical steps, let's acknowledge the sobering statistics that underscore the importance of this conversation. According to the Gun Violence Archive, there were 453 mass shootings in the United States in 2022 alone, claiming the lives of 788 individuals. These incidents not only shatter lives but also create an atmosphere of fear and anxiety, particularly in crowded public spaces. A 2022 study published in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders found that nearly 40% of Americans reported feeling anxious or unsafe in public places due to the threat of mass shootings. This highlights the pervasive impact of gun violence on our collective well-being, even beyond the immediate victims.

The Crucial "Know" Factor:

As Dr. Trigg emphasizes, the foundation of safety lies in situational awareness. While enjoying the festivities, don't let the excitement lull you into complacency. Here's how to cultivate awareness:

  • Be observant: Whether you are at a parade, concert, or carnival, actively scan your surroundings, paying attention to details like exits, emergency routes, and potential obstacles. Familiarize yourself with the area's layout and mentally map out escape routes beforehand.
  • Trust your instincts: If you notice anything suspicious, like unattended packages, erratic behavior, or individuals who seem out of place, don't hesitate to move away and report it to the authorities. This could involve discreetly informing security personnel event organizers or even dialing 911 if there's an immediate threat. Remember, "see something, say something" is more important than ever in crowded environments.
  • Stay informed: Familiarize yourself with the safety protocols of the specific venue you're attending. Many events have designated emergency plans and evacuation procedures available online or posted on-site. Knowing these plans beforehand can save valuable time in a critical situation.

The "Run/Hide" Factor: Making Quick Decisions:

When faced with immediate danger, decisive action is paramount. Dr. Trigg outlines two primary options:

  • Run, if possible: If escape seems feasible, choose the safest route and run at full speed, even in a crowded setting. While helping others is commendable, prioritize your safety first. Utilize any available cover, like walls or sturdy objects, to shield yourself from gunfire.
  • Hide as a last resort: If running is impossible, find a secure hiding spot away from the shooter's line of sight. Prioritize locations that offer both cover (protection from gunfire) and concealment (obscuring your presence). Sturdy structures like concrete benches, playground equipment, or parked cars can provide temporary refuge. Consider lying flat on the ground behind cover and staying quiet.

Barricade for added protection: If you must enter a building, consider barricading doors with heavy objects or furniture to buy precious time and deter the shooter. Remember, the goal is to create a barrier that slows the shooter's progress, not necessarily a fortress.

The "Call" Factor: Seeking Help and Sharing Information:

Once you're in a safe location, take the following steps:

  • Contact emergency services immediately: Dial 911 and provide the dispatcher with crucial details like your location, the shooter's description (if possible), and any other relevant information. If speaking is unsafe, stay on the line silently so the dispatcher can hear the situation unfolding.
  • Stay informed: Follow updates from official sources like law enforcement and trusted news outlets. Avoid spreading rumors or misinformation that could fuel panic. Consider following the event organizer's social media channels or designated information hubs for official updates in today's digital age.
  • Utilize emergency alert systems: Consider signing up for local emergency alert systems to receive timely updates and instructions during critical situations. Many communities offer these systems through mobile apps or text message alerts.

Remember, You're Not Alone:

In the aftermath of a traumatic event, seeking support is crucial.

Specific Examples of Escape Plans and Safety Measures for Different Outdoor Venues:


  • Buddy System: Always attend with a companion and agree on a meeting point if you get separated.
  • Know the Parade Route: Familiarize yourself with the parade route beforehand and identify multiple potential exits along the way.
  • Avoid Crowded Areas: Stand near sidewalks or curbs, leaving ample space between yourself and the parade floats.
  • Be Aware of Obstacles: Be mindful of barricades, street furniture, and parked vehicles that could impede your escape.
  • Heed Official Instructions: Pay close attention to announcements from parade organizers and security personnel.


  • Download the Event App: Many festivals now offer apps with maps, emergency information, and designated meeting points.
  • Plan with Your Group: If attending with a group, establish a central meeting point in case of emergency and you get separated.
  • Stay Hydrated: Carry water and wear sunscreen, especially in hot weather.
  • Be Mindful of Baggage: Avoid carrying large bags that could hinder your movement in an emergency.
  • Utilize Lost & Found Services: If you lose someone, report it to the nearest information booth or security personnel.


  • Familiarize Yourself with the Venue: Learn the location of exits, emergency staircases, and first-aid stations.
  • Choose Your Section Wisely: Avoid standing directly in front of the stage or near mosh pits if you prefer a less crowded experience.
  • Have a Communication Plan: If attending with friends, agree on a way to reunite if cell service becomes overloaded.
  • Be Aware of Weather Conditions: Dress appropriately for the expected weather and have a poncho, raincoat, or waterproof layer handy.
  • Follow Venue Regulations: Pay attention to announcements and security instructions for the concert.

Sporting Events:

  • Sit in Designated Areas: Stick to your assigned seats and avoid standing in aisles or on concourses.
  • Know the Stadium Evacuation Plan: Most stadiums have evacuation plans displayed on signage or available online.
  • Be Alert for Crowd Surges: Be prepared to move with the crowd to avoid getting caught in a potential crush.
  • Heed Security Instructions: If security personnel ask you to evacuate a certain area, comply immediately.
  • Report Suspicious Activity: If you see something unusual, alert security personnel discreetly.


These are just a few examples, and the specific safety measures will vary depending on the venue and event. Always prioritize your safety and well-being, and don't hesitate to seek help from security personnel or event organizers if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.



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