Request Dr. Trigg


Explore 'The Safety Show' by Dr. Raymond Trigg, featuring informative videos and insightful articles on School Safety, Police safety, Personal safety, and Digital safety.
Navigating the Digital Divide: A Parent's Guide to Teen Social Media


Dr. Raymond Trigg

The social media landscape feels like a foreign country for many parents. Unfamiliar platforms, cryptic slang, and potential pitfalls abound. It's enough to make you want to slam the laptop shut and build a fort of board games. But hold on, fellow guardians! This guide...

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Shadows in the Schoolyard: Confronting Bullying and Cyberbullying for a Safer Tomorrow

Unveiling the Hidden Threats, Building Resilience, and Cultivating Kindness in Our Educational Communities by Raymond Trigg


Bullying and cyberbullying have cast a long shadow over our educational institutions, with recent policy shifts in the Central Regional School District...

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