Request Dr. Trigg


Explore 'The Safety Show' by Dr. Raymond Trigg, featuring informative videos and insightful articles on School Safety, Police safety, Personal safety, and Digital safety.
Stay Safe at Outdoor Events: Know, Run/Hide, Call (Bonus Tips Included!)

A practical guide by Raymond Trigg to navigating public spaces in an unpredictable world.

Amidst the joyous celebrations that color our lives, it's impossible to ignore the undercurrent of danger that persists. The tragic reality of mass shootings, like the one that marred the Kansas City Super...

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NameDrop Safety: A Cautious Guide to Secure Contact Sharing in iOS 17

Dr. Raymond Trigg's Insights on Safeguarding Your Information in the Digital Age

Introduction: In the rapidly evolving world of technology, Apple's iOS 17 introduces an intriguing yet potentially sensitive feature called "NameDrop." Specifically designed for contact sharing between...

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Unbuckled and Unaware: The Hidden Dangers Teens Face When Not Wearing Seatbelts


Unbuckled and Unaware: The Hidden Dangers Teens Face When Not Wearing Seatbelts by Raymond Trigg


"Unbuckled and Unaware" by Raymond Trigg reveals a concerning trend among teenagers: the reluctance to wear seatbelts. While the significance of this seemingly simple act can...

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Shadows in the Schoolyard: Confronting Bullying and Cyberbullying for a Safer Tomorrow

Unveiling the Hidden Threats, Building Resilience, and Cultivating Kindness in Our Educational Communities by Raymond Trigg


Bullying and cyberbullying have cast a long shadow over our educational institutions, with recent policy shifts in the Central Regional School District...

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Disconnecting for Dreamland: The Hazards of Sleeping with Your Cell Phone: Why Teens and Young Adults are Putting their Health and Safety at Risk.

Dr Raymond Trigg shares valuable information about cell phones to keep you safe.

In our digital age, smartphones have become extensions of who we are; it's not uncommon to find teenagers and young adults in their beds, snuggling their cell phones as they fall asleep. However, what may seem like...

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Back-to-School Safety Guide for Teens and Young Adults: Ensuring a Safe Commute to School
Dr. Raymond Trigg's Back-to-School Safety Guide for Teens and Young Adults: Ensuring a Secure Commute and School Experience

Safety must take center stage as the lazy days of summer fade into the bustling school year. Whether your journey involves walking, biking, or taking the bus, this...

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A Safe Start: Ensuring Student and Staff Safety in the New School Year

Dr. Raymond Trigg shares Ten Key Strategies for a Safer and More Nurturing School Environment

The start of a new school year is thrilling for students and educators alike. It's a fresh beginning, a chance to learn and grow, to make new friends, and create lasting memories. Yet, woven...

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Dr. Raymond Trigg reports on School Safety 2022: How the USA Is Working Toward Safer Schools

School shootings in the United States of America are at a terrifying record high. In fact, Dr. Raymond Trigg reports that these occurrences have been rising steadily since 1970 but dramatically skyrocketed in 2021. As students and teachers alike are hoping for near-term solutions,...

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